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1. Getting Started

Before you begin, take a moment and consider a few things.

Required Information

As a node runner you will need to know the following for use with this guide and for future administrative tasks.

  • sudo-enabled Account Username: This username was created when Ubuntu was installed.
  • sudo-enabled Account Password: This password was set when Ubuntu was installed.
  • Gateway PostgreSQL Database Username: The default username is cmix and is set in the gateway.yaml file.
  • Gateway PostgreSQL Database Password: This password will be set in a later step and should be different than the sudo-enabled Account password.
  • Private and Public IP Addresses: If you do not know these, get the public and private IP addresses of the computer.

The Operating System

Have you installed an OS other than Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS, 22.04 LTS or 24.04 LTS on the gateway computer?

The xx Network team may not be able to assist you if problems arise on OSs other than those tested and supported. Other versions of Ubuntu (Ex. 18.04, 22.10, etc.), flavors of Ubuntu (Ex. Ubuntu Desktop, Kubuntu, etc.), and Linux distributions (Ex. Arch, Fedora, etc.) have not been tested for compatibility with the xx Network software. That is not to say that the xx Network software can only be run on the recommended OSs, but it may not be fully compatible due to the various versions of software that are installed by default by the OS maintainer.

The root user

Are you currently logged in as root?

Do not install or run the xx Network software as the user root. If you are currently logged in as root, please log out now and log in as a sudo-enabled user. If you do not have a sudo-enabled user account, you should add a sudo-enabled user account and log in as the new user before you proceed.