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10. Gateway Configuration File

In this step you will edit the gateway.yaml configuration file.

About gateway.yaml

The configuration file for the xxnetwork-gateway process is the gateway.yaml file. It is located in /opt/xxnetwork/config/. In most cases, you will only need to set the cmixAddress and database password.

Default gateway.yaml
# Gateway Configuration File

# Level of debugging to print (0 = info, 1 = debug, >1 = trace). (Default info)
logLevel: 0

# Path where log file will be saved. (Default "log/gateway.log")
log: "/opt/xxnetwork/log/gateway.log"

# Port for Gateway to listen on. Gateway must be the only listener on this port.
# (Required)
port: 22840

# The IP address of the machine running cMix that the Gateway communicates with.
# Expects an IPv4 address with a port. (Required)
cmixAddress: ""

# Path to where the identity file (IDF) is saved. The IDF stores the Gateway's
# network identity. This is used by the wrapper management script. (Required)
idfPath: "/opt/xxnetwork/cred/gateway-IDF.json"

# Path to the private key associated with the self-signed TLS certificate.
# (Required)
keyPath: "/opt/xxnetwork/cred/gateway-key.key"

# Path to the self-signed TLS certificate for Gateway. Expects PEM format.
# (Required)
certPath: "/opt/xxnetwork/cred/gateway-cert.crt"

# Path to the self-signed TLS certificate for cMix. Expects PEM format.
# (Required)
cmixCertPath: "/opt/xxnetwork/cred/cmix-cert.crt"

# Path to the self-signed TLS certificate for the Scheduling server. Expects
# PEM format. (Required)
schedulingCertPath: "/opt/xxnetwork/cred/scheduling-cert.crt"

# Database connection information. (Required)
dbName: "cmix_gateway"
dbAddress: ""
dbUsername: "cmix"
dbPassword: "[password for database]"

# WARNING: Do not modify the options below unless explicitly required.

# Local IP address of the Gateway, used for internal listening. Expects an IPv4
# address without a port. (Default "")
#listeningAddress: ""

# The public IPv4 address of the Gateway, as reported to the network. When not
# set, external IP address lookup services are used to set this value. If a
# port is not included, then the port from the port flag is used instead.
#overridePublicIP: ""

Open gateway.yaml

nano /opt/xxnetwork/config/gateway.yaml

Set cmixAddress

Find the following section ...

# The IP address of the machine running cMix that the Gateway communicates with.
# Expects an IPv4 address with a port. (Required)
cmixAddress: ""

Change the IP address to the public IP address of the NODE computer.

Set Database Password

In the earlier step, PostgreSQL Database, you set the password of the PostgreSQL user, cmix. Find the section below ...

# Database connection information. (Required)
dbName: "cmix_gateway"
dbAddress: ""
dbUsername: "cmix"
dbPassword: "[password for database]"

Replace [password for database] with the password you set earlier. For example, if the password of the user cmix is 1234abcd the file should read "1234abcd".

Save cmix.yaml and Exit nano

Press Ctrl + s then Ctrl + x