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7. PostgreSQL Database

In this step you will add a PostgreSQL user named cmix, set a password and create the gateway database.

Create PostgreSQL User cmix

  • Do not re-use the Ubuntu user's password.
  • Make a note of this new password. It will be required in a later steps.
sudo -u postgres createuser --createdb --pwprompt cmix

Create the cmix_gateway Database

sudo -u postgres createdb -O cmix cmix_gateway --encoding='utf-8' --locale='C.UTF-8' --template='template0'

Verify the cmix_gateway Database

Log Into cmix_gateway

psql -U cmix -d cmix_gateway -h -p 5432

You are now connected to the cmix_gateway database as cmix. Note the command-line prompt ...


List the Databases


You should see a row reading ...

cmix_gateway | cmix     | UTF8     | C.UTF-8     | C.UTF-8     | 

Log Out of cmix_gateway


You should now see the terminal command prompt.