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3. Firewall (UFW)

In this step you will configure the firewall of the node computer.

Node Computer Ports

Two ports are required to be accessible for other cMixx node computers to connect to yours.

  • By default xxnetwork-chain is set to use port 15974 in the xxnetwork-chain.service file.
  • By default xxnetwork-cmix is set to use port 11420 in the cmix.yaml file.

Add firewall rules with UFW

sudo ufw disable
sudo ufw allow 15974/tcp comment "xx network chain"
sudo ufw allow 11420/tcp comment "xx network cMix"
Are you connected remotely?

Before enabling the firewall, be sure you have added rules for any ports required for remote administration. For example, if you are administering the computer remotely with SSH via port 22, you will need to issue the following command ...

sudo ufw allow 22/tcp comment "ssh"

Enable UFW

sudo ufw enable

Check UFW rules

sudo ufw status