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10. cMixx Configuration File

In this step you will edit the cmix.yaml configuration file.

About cmix.yaml

The configuration file for the xxnetwork-cmix process is the cmix.yaml file. It is located in /opt/xxnetwork/config/. In most cases, you will only need to set the database password.

Default cmix.yaml
# cMix Configuration File

# Toggles use of the GPU. (Default true)
useGPU: true

# Level of debugging to print (0 = info, 1 = debug, >1 = trace). (Default info)
logLevel: 0

# Path where an error file will be placed in the event of a fatal error.
# This path is used by the Wrapper Script. (Required)
errOutput: "/opt/xxnetwork/log/cmix-err.log"
# Path to where the identity file (IDF) is saved. The IDF stores the Node's
# network identity. This is used by the wrapper management script. (Required)
idf: "/opt/xxnetwork/cred/cmix-IDF.json"
# Path to the self-signed TLS certificate for cMix. Expects PEM format.
# (Required)
cert: "/opt/xxnetwork/cred/cmix-cert.crt"
# Path to the private key associated with the self-signed TLS certificate.
# (Required)
key: "/opt/xxnetwork/cred/cmix-key.key"
# Path where log file will be saved. (Default "log/cmix.log")
log: "/opt/xxnetwork/log/cmix.log"
# Port that cMix will communicate on. (Required)
port: 11420
# Local IP address of the Node, used for internal listening. Expects an IPv4
# address without a port. (default "")
# WARNING: Do not modify this option unless explicitly required.
#listeningAddress: ""
# The public IPv4 address of the Node, as reported to the network. When not
# set, external IP address lookup services are used to set this value. If a
# port is not included, then the port from the port flag is used instead.
# WARNING: Do not modify this option unless explicitly required.
#overridePublicIP: ""
# If set, then it is used to override the internal IP address used to contact
# yourself. Expects an IPv4 address with or without a port. If no port is
# included, then the port from the port flag is used.
# WARNING: Do not modify this option unless explicitly required.
#overrideInternalIP: ""

# Information to connect to the Postgres database storing keys. (Required)
name: "cmix_node"
address: ""
username: "cmix"
password: "[password for database]"

# Information to communicate with this Node's Gateway.
# Path to the self-signed TLS certificate for Gateway. Expects PEM format.
# (Required)
cert: "/opt/xxnetwork/cred/gateway-cert.crt"

# Path to the self-signed TLS certificate for the Scheduling server.
# Expects PEM format. (Required)
cert: "/opt/xxnetwork/cred/scheduling-cert.crt"
# Partial IP Address of the network, provided by xx network. (Required)
address: ""

# Path to store metrics logs.
log: "/opt/xxnetwork/log/metrics.log"

Open cmix.yaml

nano /opt/xxnetwork/config/cmix.yaml

Edit cmix.yaml

In the earlier step, PostgreSQL Database, you set the password of the PostgreSQL user, cmix. Find the section below ...

# Information to connect to the Postgres database storing keys. (Required)
name: "cmix_node"
address: ""
username: "cmix"
password: "[password for database]"

Replace [password for database] with the password you set earlier. For example, if the password of the user cmix is 1234abcd the file should read "1234abcd".

Save cmix.yaml and Exit nano

Press Ctrl + s then Ctrl + x